
SAP Architecture

The SAP architecture is said to be “open” in that SAP runs on the hardware platform of many leading hardware vendors. The SAP system consist of the SAP application running on one or more servers which may include mainframes, Different versions of UNIX or Windows NT. The user access SAP through a graphical user interface referred to as the SAP GUI. The SAP GUI runs on the Intel/Windows or Macintosh workstation and communicates with the servers via TCP/IP over the client internal network. SAP uses a wide range of RDBMS to manage configuration, information, transactional data and many other aspects of its operation.

At the heart of SAP is the SAP Kernel which is a collection of executable files that resides in a couple of directories. The existence of these executable files in all SAP system provides a consistent interface between the SAP Basis and Business modules and operating system. SAP developed a set of executable for each operating system.

HOMOGENEOUS SAP SYSTEM   A homogeneous system is where all the servers with in the SAP cluster are running the same operating system.

HETROGENEOUS SAP SYSTEM   A heterogeneous system is where the data base is running one operating system and application servers another

SAP Internal Architecture

PRESNTATION LAYER :  It is the place from where the user submit input to SAP for processing of business  transaction. It is also the output from where these operation appears as output field, reports, tables and interface common PC application

APPLICATION LAYER : After a user initiate a request at presentation layer, application logic is invoked to service and process the enquiry.

DATABASE LAYER  : SAP uses RDBMS to store and retrieve configuration, transactional and master data.


Introduction of SAP


SAP stands for system application and product in data processing. SAP integrates all the department of company like HR, PP, SD, FICO etc into one. It work in integrated way which means the data need to be enter just once and systems will automatically updates other logical data. SAP support almost all type of data base like Oracle, Db2, Informix, SQL, etc. Over and above it has flexibility to purchase any of single modules instead of purchasing full software like other which reversely solve the problem of small companies who are not able to pay huge amount in computerization. The cost of SAP depends upon the no of user’s license and modules being implemented in the company.

SAP software is designed and launched by the German company named as SAP AG on dated 06.07.1992. This software is designed by the ex employee of IBM and they take 20 years to complete the same.

SAP is classified into two parts Technical and Functional.
Technical part is again classified into two parts 
ABAP     Advance Business Application and Programming

BASIS    Business Application System Integrated Software.

The Functional module is classified in 128+ different modules like SD, HR, FICO, MM, PP, CRM etc.

Introduction of ERP


ERP basically is a concept of programming where the data need to enter just once and systems automatically updates other logical data.

There are so many different ERP pack edges are available in the market but only few of them are popular and used by major companies where the companies are more concern about the data and security. Appended below are the few ERP soft wares which are available and popular are
  •  SAP
  •  BANN
  • ORACLE APPS etc                             
Out of the above SAP is most popular and globally used all over the world due to its flexibility and support provided by the company.